case studies

Domineum is an international project. With 70% of residential land in the developing world being officially unregistered, the growth potential for Domineum’s blockchain-based registry solution is enormous, and a future of corruption free development closer than ever.

domineum in the bahamas

Domineum is to establish a first use case scenario for the implementation of a blockchain based land registry system in the Bahamas.

This Blockchain Technology Case Study will occur in South Andros on the Flowers Estate in Driggs Hill, and the beta type will be duplicated throughout the Bahamas with the approval of each District Council. 

Bahamas Blockchain Technology Case Study will require GIS mapping based on aerial survey and digitizing the paper-based land titles to a distributed blockchain database.

This will allow Town Planning  Committees to readily ascertain title and ownership for all property in South Andros and assist in progressing Bahamian Government development goals by 2040.

Domineum in nigeria

The Nigerian market represents a broad opportunity with a customer base in clear need of modernised land registry solutions.

As a developing African powerhouse rich in skilled ICT resources, Nigeria has clearly recognized that the intelligent application of technology will enable sustainable economic development and increase governance efficiency.

To date, we have lobbied relevant industry actors, politicians, and officials at every level of government with tremendously positive feedback on all fronts. Endorsements have led to advancing and continued contract discussion between Domineum and multiple state land registry departments

Domineum and multiple state land registry departments. Additionally, we are working with the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria on implementation processes for the Domineum Mortgage Tracking System.

Domineum has a decidedly sophisticated and established implementation arm, anchored in Nigeria. Through this in-country partnership, Domineum has the ability to execute in the biggest economy in Africa.

More than 80 Million land owners in Nigeria lack proper Certificates of Ownership over their property.

In one of the largest registration projects in African history, domineum’s blockchain-based technology will be utilized in order to issue cost effective and reliable ownership titles to millions of tribal property owners, connecting them for the first time to the modern economic system.

This case study demonstrates that a governmental quantum leap is indeed possible with the help of state-of-the-art technology and Nigeria is just the beginning.

Domineum delivers BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) and SaaS technologies designed to increase overall efficiency of the real estate services sector for businesses, land departments, and related government agencies.

© 2018